Archive for April, 2010
University of Regina Professors to Embark on Comedy Tour |
REGINA(SBP) – Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: So, two Canadian Soldiers walk into a restaurant after a typical day’s work. They had just saved a woman’s life who had the audacity to expose her face in public. And, after that, they helped provide clean water, safe housing, schools, roads, homes and neighborhoods for an area of unrest. The one soldier says to the server, “I’ll have that illegal, imperialist sandwich that glorifies war, invasion and propagates a militaristic, war-mongering agenda. What was that sandwich called again?” The server says, “We call that the ‘Hero’, sir.” Full Story »
University Of Ottawa To Issue Brown Shirts To Students |
OTTAWA (SBP) – The halls of academia became more tolerant this week when the University of Ottawa announced that all students regardless of race, colour or creed would be issued brown shirts as part of a campus-wide uniform. The new uniform, which is mandatory under penalty of a “shout down”, is heiled as a triumphant narrow display of diversity and selective tolerance. Full Story »