Citizens Barely Enduring Postal Strike With Phone, email, Internet, Fax, Texting, Couriers… |
SASKATOON (SBP) — It is two weeks into the rotating postal strike and everyone can feel it. The empty mail boxes are a sign of social isolation. The streets are missing that one extra person walking the streets who was willing to talk to you for a few seconds. There is a palpable hole in the social fabric of the nation.
“It’s really been difficult dealing with this strike,” said Emma Watson, a local retail manager, “I’ve been emailing all my friends every day, talking about how I miss communicating with them on a regular basis. And, sometimes, we just pick up the phone and cry to each other for hours, wishing we could receive a letter from them in the mail.
“It truly is a sad time.”
Watson is just one of millions of Canadians who are suffering from a communication deficit with the postal strike set to become national. The Postal Union has reached wit’s end in negotiations with the ruthless dictatorship that is the Canadian Government and had no choice but to withhold their crucial services.
“Being a postal worker is easily the most dangerous job in the world.” said the Postal Union Boss, “Not only do we carry 15% less than we did 10 years ago but, the loads get lighter with each passing year.
“Nobody seems to understand our plight.”
Since the rotating strikes began, Canada Post has seen a 50% drop in mail. The lighter loads on postal workers have resulted in routes bring completed at an alarmingly efficient rate. So efficient that Canada Post is thinking of doing a Monday-Wednesday-Friday delivery schedule because of the greatly reduced volume.
“We don’t honestly know how the citizenry is making do during these very dark times,” said the Postal Union Leader, “We believe that everyone has just gone home and are quietly supporting us during this crisis. My and my union brethren feel vindicated by the public’s support and sympathy to our cause.
“Neither rain, no sleet, no snow will keep us from the picket lines. Solidarity forever!”
On the positive side of this labour crisis, the massive drop in mail volume has miraculously not affected any business activity. Bills are somehow getting sent out and paid. Banking is also somehow being done. And, most shocking of all, people seem to know what their friends half way around the world are doing. How this is occurring remains a mystery to the Postal Union.