Archive for June, 2011

Jack Layton Proposes Universal Daycare Inside House of Commons

OTTAWA (SBP) — “The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round…” sang the federal NDP’s newest Members of Parliament as their school bus pulled up to the Parliament buildings for the first time. They could barely contain their excitement and, many times, the beleaguered driver had to pull the bus over to tell them to sit down like good little boys and girls. Full Story »

Parliamentary Page Still Awaiting Imprisonment, Mutilation, Torture From Democratically Elected Dictatorship

OTTAWA (SBP) — Communicating from a bunker in her parent’s basement, former Parliamentary Page, Precious Snowflake, reassured all her supporters that she is still alive and well for the time being. But, she warns, she will likely face some sort of capital punishment — including “death and worse” — from the government if she is found. This, coming days after Snowflake held up a sign during the throne speech to “Stop Democracy”. Full Story »

CBC Apologizes To Liberals, NDP, & Green Parties For Failing To Win Federal Election

TORONTO (SBP) — Flummoxed with what to do to prevent future undesirable election results, the CBC has decided to issue an apology to the three political parties it shamelessly promoted during the 2011 election; The Liberal, NDP and Green Party. Full Story »